
AffiliateWell Photo

As the health care landscape changes, your organization may find that the best way to remain financially viable and most effectively meet your community’s health care needs is to enter into an affiliation with a compatible organization.  Or, you may find just the opposite, realizing that you can best meet local needs by remaining a stand-alone or independent hospital.

Trustees should lead the organization in making this decision. Rather than assuming that an affiliation is the best solution, trustees should first evaluate the hospital’s financial and strategic position.  Once intelligence gathering is complete and the organization’s leadership has a clear picture of the hospital’s position and the opinions of key stakeholders, the board can move forward with the approach that best meets the hospital and community’s long-term needs.

AffiliateWell includes:

  • A BoardBrief about Strategic Affiliation
  • A customizable sample strategic affiliation planner
  • A customizable sample board survey to explore affiliation options and perspectives
  • A customizable sample medical staff survey to explore affiliation options and perspectives  
  • A customizable sample community survey to explore affiliation options and perspectives 
  • A customizable sample employee survey to explore affiliation options and perspectives 
  • A customizable sample affiliation request for proposal (RFP)